Subject: Commemorates the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and honors the French-Armenians who died during the first and second World Wars.
Sponsor(s): Public Contribution Appeal
Architect/Designer/Artist: David Babayan - Yerevantsi
Physical Setting:In the middle of a square in the heart of Paris. Located near the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Until the genocide of 1915, the Reverend Father Komitas collected the songs of oral tradition of the Armenian people and had them retranscrit. He thus was able to save a partimony of universal range

In the memory of the voluntary engaged Armenian fighters and resistants who died for France


In homage to Komitas; composer, musicologist and to the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide, committed in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 (translated from French and Armenian).

 In cooperation with Les Amis du R.P. KOMITAS and ANI